In the past we have added a significant number of event maps to the nominate list during October. This year I would like to do the same. Here is a list of the official maps we might want to add. Comments, suggestions, and additions/subtractions? Also please list any community maps that you think we should add. koth_bagel_event koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_maple_ridge_event koth_moonshine_event koth_slaughter_event koth_slasher koth_viaduct_event cp_manor_event cp_gorge_event cp_sunshine_event pd_cursed_cove_event pd_monster_bash pd_pit_of_death_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event pl_precipice_event_final pl_rumble_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
A couple of years ago, I set it up so it would run a halloween maps only map list for a couple hours, 2 nights a week. Any interest in doing that again? Here's the list I used. cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_gorge_event cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_pacman_plus_wtf cp_sunshine_event ctf_boneyard ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_hellpower ctf_haunt_b2 koth_maple_ridge_event koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_lolcano_b3 koth_moonshine_event koth_viaduct_event pd_pit_of_death_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
I like the idea of FITH spoopy time. It would keep the Halloween stuff from getting tired and allow the people who aren't into the Halloween event to still get on and play regular TF2.
I'm still in favor of adding a small number of halloween maps to the normal nominate list, like a half dozen of the less played or really good ones.
I like Gary's list let's start there. cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_gorge_event cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_pacman_plus_wtf cp_sunshine_event ctf_boneyard ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_hellpower ctf_haunt_b2 koth_maple_ridge_event koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_lolcano_b3 koth_moonshine_event koth_viaduct_event pd_pit_of_death_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
At the very least, added it to the current MOTD with a link to this post to try and get participation. Also updated the "z" folder (z is short and easy) so we can do other one-off redirect links as needed. Instructions for SAs are in the folder.
I have added the list below to the end of the nominate list for the month of October. I we want to move some maps to the top of the nominate list, let's discuss it here. cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_gorge_event cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_pacman_plus_wtf cp_sunshine_event ctf_boneyard ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_hellpower ctf_haunt_b2 koth_maple_ridge_event koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_lolcano_b3 koth_moonshine_event koth_viaduct_event pd_pit_of_death_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
okay I have reordered the nominate list with the new maps first then the Halloween list above then the normal maps. pl_bloodwater and its predecessor pl_badwater_event are both crashing the server so they are off the list for now
What about moving the Halloween maps to the end of the nominate list most of the time and having a few nights a week where they are at the front of the list. Since the update just dropped I think we should keep them at the front of the list this weekend, then move them back on Monday. Then pick a few days a week or a list of days to move it up. Thoughts?
right now the list is as follows pl_hasslecastle koth_megalo koth_undergrove_event cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_dustbowl_event cp_gorge_event cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_pacman_plus_wtf cp_sunshine_event ctf_boneyard ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_hellpower ctf_haunt_b2 koth_maple_ridge_event koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_lolcano_b3 koth_moonshine_event koth_viaduct_event pd_pit_of_death_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
Alright, till the end of October, the Halloween maps have been interlaced into the normal map list. This means that they will no longer be up front on the nominate list, you will have to go look for them. At the end of the month we will move them back to the front for a few days to celebrate Halloween. At 12:00 PM November 1st they will be gone! and I am not telling you what time zone it is so have fun while they are around. If you have any better ideas please feel free to post them here and I will ignore them like the rest of you are ignoring this forum post. If you think other map changes need to be made please make a forum post about it or message me and I will. The current nominate list is as follows (10/11/2020) pl_5curve pl_fifthcurve_event pl_alpen_rc1 pl_angkor_rc2 pl_auriferous_rc21 pl_badwater_pro_v12 pl_barnblitz_pro8 pl_beerbowl_rc1 pl_borneo pl_boundary_final1 pl_boxcanyon_rc9 pl_breadspace_b9 pl_buzznest_b3 pl_cashworks_final1 pl_clifftop_b3 pl_cornfarm_rc pl_cranetop_b8 pl_deadwood pl_enclosure_final pl_erosion_b1 pl_escarpment_rc1 pl_frontier_final pl_gloryhole_b1 pl_goldheist_canyon_final_v15 pl_goldrush pl_goodwater pl_great_heights_b3 pl_halfacre pl_hasslecastle pl_hatfactory55 pl_haywire_rc5 pl_hoodoo_final pl_humidity_rc5 pl_lionroar_rc1 pl_losthorizon_b8 pl_manngrove_rc5 pl_mesaworks_rc3 pl_metropolis_b5 pl_midwest_b12 pl_millstone_b1 pl_millstone_event pl_mineshaft_final_rc9 pl_moonbase_rc3 pl_mountainside_rc2 pl_narrows_a130 pl_oasis_b4 pl_olympia_a24 pl_outback_rc4 pl_pharaoh_rc1 pl_pier_b23 pl_quagmire pl_rebirth_rc1 pl_rivercrossing_rc2a pl_rocketravine_b6 pl_rust pl_shoreleave_rc1 pl_sludgepit_final3 pl_snowycoast pl_summercoast_rc7 pl_swiftwater_final1 pl_thundermountain pl_upward pl_vesper_b4 pl_vigil_rc7 pl_volcanic_a26 pl_warpath_b7 pl_waste_v2 pl_yamashiro_medieval_b3 plr_animus_a8 plr_bananabay plr_fishladder3 plr_frostfell_b2 plr_hierarch_rc2b plr_highwind_a5 plr_hightower plr_hightower_event plr_highertower plr_nightfall_final plr_panic_b2 plr_pipeline plr_snowthistle_b3 plr_solitude_b1 plr_valentine_b2 plr_yuno_b1 cp_abyss_b81 cp_alloy_rc3 cp_amaranth_rc1b cp_antiquity_rc1 cp_arena_trains_b2 cp_axle_rc1 cp_badlands_pro cp_burghausen_rc1 cp_croissant_final cp_degrootkeep cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_desperados_b2 cp_dustbowl_pro_v2 cp_egypt_final cp_ferrum_rc1 cp_follower cp_forest_shrine_a15 cp_foundry cp_freight_final1 cp_furnace_rc cp_glacier_rc6 cp_glassworks_rc6a cp_gorge cp_gorge_event cp_gothic cp_granary_pro_rc8 cp_gravelpit cp_gullywash_final1 cp_hadal_b13a cp_haddou cp_indulge cp_kakariko_a3 cp_konkreet_b4 cp_kuriast cp_labor cp_mainline_rc5 cp_metalworks cp_mercenarypark cp_miningco_b4_fix cp_manor cp_manor_event cp_mossrock cp_mountainlab cp_obscure_remake_ugc_rc2 cp_orange_final cp_orangezone_45 cp_osiris_b15 cp_overgrown_rc5a cp_powerhouse cp_process_final cp_prolane_v4 cp_reckoner_rc3 cp_redfort_b3 cp_rumble_rc5 cp_sakura_hill_72c cp_science2 cp_shelter_rc2 cp_skull_island_b2 cp_sunshine_event cp_snakewater cp_snowlodge_b5 cp_standin_final cp_steel cp_sulfur_rc2 cp_sunshine cp_toy_fort_alt2 cp_treehouse_b4 cp_vanguard cp_vigor_b2 cp_warmfront cp_warpath2_u4 cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_well cp_wetlands cp_whiterock_rc2 cp_yukon_final ctf_2bine_v1 ctf_boneyard ctf_doublecross ctf_2fort_egypt_litefin ctf_chaos ctf_convoy_storm_b1 ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_eggwar_b2 ctf_haarp ctf_haunt_b2 ctf_hellpower ctf_hotspring_b3a ctf_landfall ctf_mach4 ctf_powerhouse_night ctf_slate_b2 ctf_snowdrift_b4a ctf_turbine_pro_b1 ctf_urbanbrook_rc ctf_vitalism_b2 garbage_day koth_ahau_rc2 koth_arctic_b3 koth_blast_b3p koth_brazil koth_coalplant_b7 koth_coulee_b4_fix koth_chasm_b1 koth_dewm_rc1 koth_dockyard koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_former_cornfield_b1 koth_harvest koth_harvest_event koth_highpass koth_kemptown_rc1 koth_king koth_lakeside koth_lakeside_event koth_lazarus koth_lolcano_b3 koth_maple_ridge_event koth_megaman6 koth_megalo koth_moonshine koth_moonshine_event koth_nerve koth_nucleus koth_occult_rc6 koth_viaduct koth_viaduct_event koth_sandvich_b1 koth_sawmill koth_skywalker1 koth_spillway_event_rc4 koth_suijin koth_undergrove_event koth_waste koth_wubwubwub_remix_vip mpl_losthorizon_b10 sd_doomsday_event pd_elvvis2 pd_pit_of_death_event pd_ritual_a7 pd_steamed_hams_final pd_watergate pl_beerbowl_b5a pl_beerbowl_b6a pl_beerbowl_b6b pl_beerbowl_b7 pl_beerbowl_b7a pl_beerbowl_b7b pl_beerbowl_b7c fith_boxing_b2a
The server map files have been updated to remove the fun Halloween maps. Back to normal. Let me know if there are any stupid thanksgiving or winter based maps that you want so I can ignore them.
Also I put a backup of the nominate list in an additional folder in the FPT, for next year it is just labeled with the date.