I would like to suggest making all talk or team voice a votable setting. Personally, I love the all talk setting being default but I would like it if when the server is packed if we could vote for team only for the sake of tactics. discuss?
The second server was set up that way to be semi competitive for a while. All talk would automatically change to team-only once 6v6 (I think) was reached. That the second server didn't stay that way very long tells me all-talk is going stay as it is, always on. I liked the semi-comp setup on the second server, but I can see where it would not be everyone's thing.
All talk isn't going to change. It gets in the way of tactics, sure, but turning it off would ruin the fun. Even if we added the option to vote, I doubt it would get much support. Most of the regulars join to socialize while they play.
I'd like to learn to play TF2 more tactically/competitively, but I enjoy the social aspects of FITH too much to go without alltalk... I'd rather attempt to do actual competitive type matches (like the PUG) and practice tactics there than try to make the server more competitive in general.
I think there's a decent number of us that would like to try a bit more competitive environment (as we discussed here http://forum.fith.co/index.php?threads/pug-information.74/). I have no idea when the current season is over, but once it is I'd like to see our highlander server used to run more serious games. And those of us that are interested can jump in teamspeak to use for socializing/shit talking, while the in game talk would be tactics only. As I have no idea what it takes to change server settings, etc. I'd even be fine with it being left highlander. I think we've got enough regulars to sustain a serious server, at least on the weekends. And I also have a feeling we could bring back some of our members that haven't been playing TF2 as much recently. At a minimum, I'd like to see some scheduled dates/times where folks can show up for a serious match. But in regards to Funk's proposal for our current 32 player fragfest server, I think that ball of crazy is best with alltalk on.
The main server is our community server. All-talk is one of the things that makes it fun. It will remain all-talk for this very reason.
This would pretty much be the ideal solution since we'd get to have competitive matches with FITH regulars while leaving the community server alone. A win-win scenario for everyone involved.
I like this proposal as well, sorry for rockin the boat. I was taught closed mouths don't get fed so I figured I would share my thoughts, looks like it worked out in the end!
All this time I thought Dstraktd has the world's worst mic with shitty dial up internet. Now I understand the garbled speech.
Nothing wrong with bringing up ideas! If you hadn't we wouldn't be talking (more) about organizing competitive matches.
I also like the fact people can see my voice bubble while I'm spewing random "drunk stuff while I'm sober" while I'm cloaked. If you didn't kill me while I do that and you get stabbed, your fucking fault! :V