I think that... A) who cares what I think? B) there should be a class limit of 2 on the engie class. The thing is... Anything over 2 engies just stalemates a round and, i personally feel, isn't in the spirit of a 'fair' game. I think the lulz a team might get every blue moon for stacking engies is far outweighed by maps running smoother and finishing faster without the engie stalemate. Nobody wants to try and get passed a 4 engie bottleneck when the round isn't going to end for 15 minutes. I can't think of any reason to ever have more than 2 engies. Im not complaining, btw. This isn't an issue for me but i do think this would make the game a bit/a lot more enjoyable by removing some artificially created stalemates and it would also be in the spirit of 'fair' gameplay as i feel its a bit unfair when one team runs 2 engies on D and the other team runs 4 engies on D for the lulz. Is there ever a good reason to have more than 2 engies aside from the lulz or to win by attrition?
So... this is a tricky subject, I both agree with you and disagree with you. Sometimes I think it would be great to only have to deal with 2 engineers, as a 15 min stalemate is boring. Even with a medic I have a hard time taking out more than 1 gun ; - ) However, I would like to posit two points. 1. At the start of the round people often switch to engineer to help build teleporters, then switch back to another class. Imposing this limit removes this game play element. 2. If we do a engineer class limit, what stops us from a medic/spy/sniper class limit. (slippery slope argument) I think this is a good discussion to have here on the forms and I am very interested in seeing what other people have to say. After all what is an engi but
Yea, the whole people going engie to start the map to upgrade teles did cross my mind, after i posted, as a valid reason to have more than 2 engies. But i still think the benefits of fairer and smoother rounds outweighs that. Plus, it's equally fair during setup as both teams only have the potential of 2 engies to work with. And i do agree it's a slippery slope but engie is the only class that can immediately cause a stalemate. If your team goes 6 snipers or spies or something, you're going to lose . If your team goes 6 engies, you're going to win (on D), but it's going to be a boring 15 min while you do. I can't see any reason to class cap anyone but engie.
So... this topic has come up several times in the past, and if I remember correctly, usually ends in a locked thread with nothing changing. People were pretty divided on the issue. Maybe things have changed now. Personally, I'm indifferent about engie limits. Just don't limit any of the other classes.
Didn't Gary set class limits on the "Almost Comp" server? That no one played on it much and we don't have it that way anymore probably says a lot.
The flipside to engy limits is that a team could get stuck with two crap engys who don't even build teleporters. I admit it *could* be a great thing but practically, it won't work as intended.
Every class has a counter! If those two engies are close together, say in the bottom part of the basement, one uber pyro can get the engies and their guns in one run.
Well I didn't say me specifically...but now that you mention it! ESPECIALLY now that I can do CRAZy stuff like TURN AROUND AND MORE!
I agree whole heeartedly with these points, I play engie when the people playing engie suck... sorry but thats the truth, and If im goignt o be limited on my main class then I would have to insist that snipers be limited as well as spys....
2 Engies? HA!! Give a damn good demo (ElAsso caliber) or a good Soldier an uber and watch them take that shit out. Pop off 2 Ubers at the same time and follow each other in. 1 Uber Demo/Soldier, the other Uber a Pyro or Heavy for clean up duty. There's a reason every class has a counter class.
I've played on servers with class limits. It's not fun at all. The idea here is that engie stack is not fun, but it doesn't happen too often and can be beaten by teamwork. Class limits are just plain not fun.
I find it happens when a certain few players (and there are 3 specific ones that come to mind) are ready to go to the next map and the server won't RTV, because they are still having fun on the current map. So these assholes hold the server hostage with an engie stack until everyone is so annoyed they have no choice but to rock the vote. I can tell you this much, the next time they pull this shit, they will all face a week long ban.
didn't even bother reading. No class limits is what makes FITH great. Someone pull the ebrake on this topic.