Should we institute a time of the day where the server is devoted to Halloween Mode and Halloween Maps from now until Halloween? Let's here your thoughts
Absolutely. The halloween maps are the best of the year. I love to get out specific hats and gear and do the whole events. People need to realize, most are progressive, such as the bumper carts. Each round will be different.
Let's start with 2 or 3 nights a week, including one weekend night. Then we can always add another night or so as needed.
Can we get this setup before Halloween is over? The weekend night boils down to the cards people to me. If we make it a Friday night then the cards folks can do the halloween. If not, then Saturday, a lot of randoms will be on the server because the cards folks will be gone.
It looks like this suggestion has been given a stamp of approval by those who have viewed this thread. Discussed this a bit with Nighthawk and it appears to be very doable. The proposal is this: From the day we initiate this ongoing event until the end of Halloween Day, four hours a day between the hours of 8PM - 12AM Halloween Mode will be activated and only Halloween-esc maps will appear in the votes. With this said, please give me your opinions on the suggested maps which may be found in the Halloween rotation. Sinshine cp_sunshine_event Gorge Event cp_gorge_event Carnival of Carnage sd_doomsday_event Harvest Event koth_harvest_event Eyeaduct koth_viaduct_event Ghost Fort koth_lakeside_event Helltower plr_hightower_event Hellstone pl_millstone_event Mann Manor cp_manor_event Moonshine Event koth_moonshine_event When Halloween Happy Hour is activated we will also need Admins and Members to help promote and advertise the server to keep it populated and active. This would include posting announcements on the Steam Public Group as well as Tweet about it on Twitter. So please give my your thoughts on this. Thank You,
Okay, I'm going to need some help in this. I need the following: 1. An admin or admins who have FTP permissions to work on the list of maps and then add and upload them onto the server as the map rotation for Halloween 2. The admins involve also need to make a copy of the maps to be removed from the rotation when the event is over and reload the regular rotation onto the server 3. Members and or admin to advertise and market the event each day: Steam Event posting, Steam Announcement posting, and tweeting about it on the FITH Twitter also helps If you guys want this to happen I need your assistance.
I'm working on setting this up. I'm thinking wednesdays from 9-11, fridays from 10-12, and all night on mondays(halloween is on a monday). All times eastern, of course. Here is the map list I will be using. cp_degrootcreep_b3 cp_gorge_event cp_halloween_warpath_4 cp_pacman_plus_wtf cp_sunshine_event ctf_boneyard ctf_darktower ctf_doublecross ctf_hellpower koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_harvest_event koth_lakeside_event koth_lolcano_b3 koth_moonshine_event koth_viaduct_event pl_fifthcurve_event pl_millstone_event plr_hightower_event sd_doomsday_event
Alright, I've finished writing the scripts and configured their schedules. Sorry I let this go so long.
Thanks for all your help Busey! You and Nighthawk have been two of the strongest pillars to help prop up this community.
I guess I'll be the grinch on this one. I don't mind the Halloween maps (they get us away from playing badwater all night), but having spells on all the time gets old. Maybe limit spells to an hour a night?
Yea that didnt work out quite like we wanted. The goal was to have halloween for a few hours, then at midnight the server would have reset to normal maps, no spells. We couldnt get the normal maps part to kick on. No doubt Busey will fix it and get it right. It is fun, for awhile. Tonight, unless they are selected, halloween mode wont be on. So its game on.
Having only halloween maps early in the evening seems to make the server take longer to populate, which is slightly annoying.