We're starting to get stable builds of Paper, and Optifine for 1.17 has been out for a bit. I have to go over the plugins and make sure they're compatible, but we're getting close to time to upgrade. I talked about this a bit in the Discord channel, and I finally got around to getting my shit together enough to put up the poll. So, consider your options, make a vote, and let me know here if you have any specific questions about how you want to handle the upgrade. In all cases a backup will be taken of the world just before the upgrade, so we can go back if something goes horribly wrong. The options are as follows: 1) Complete map wipe and restart on the same server Self explanatory; this map goes away, a new one starts. A fresh start is nice every so often, but a lot of you have put a lot of work into building and I don't know if we're ready for a full wipe yet. 2) New map on a different server I spin up a new instance on a different port so the old server remains, but otherwise it's like the above. The instances wouldn't be connected at first, but I could look into cross-server portals (I think that's a thing). 3) Use the existing map on the same server, let new chunks generate at the borders Basically do nothing but upgrade. This gets us started immediately, but we'd have to travel a ways to get to the new stuff. 4) Trim the existing map and let new chunks generate close by Similar to above, but I'd have you all border the chunks you want to keep with walls of some sort, then I'd take the map and remove all chunks that didn't have a border. This will take me some time, but it would mean that new stuff would be immediately available and close by.
I'm fine with either map wipe or trimming the existing map. I'd like to start over and find some new objectives to do.
I'm torn, honestly. I would totally play the shit out of a new Server but that's because I'm addicted to early game primitive minecraft and like the rollout. But I also like my Dome. Vote cast for Trim for now. It will get us access to the new stuff and we can wipe and restart for 1.18 when world generation experiences sufficient overhaul.
Personally, I voted for trimming the map itself. I became way too attached to my current builds at Spawn and I am sure a few other people can say the same as well. I can understand why people would like a clean start but restarting the server would destroy weeks and/or months of progress someone is proud of only to go back to living in a dirt house again.
As well, for the Trim option - I've got a 16 color wool farm and slime farm I have resumed AFKing at for border materials. Bright colors are good for marking chunk borders, as Yesrod will be using a visual overhead view to select chunks to save.
I really have no strong feelings one way or the other. Haven't done much on the server. Although I've been meaning to play it more. Would a complete wipe be the easiest? It's not like anyone built a Minas Tirith on the map, but I think those who have been a little more active on the server deserve more of a say.
Poll seems to be leaning towards Trim, which is probably the most effort but will allow us to keep marked chunks. Wipe would be easiest, but when 1.18 comes around later this year (as of currently anyway) we'd want to do it again to get the new cave generation along with higher and lower Y generation. I will say that, if you did want a fresh start, you *could* just choose to not mark your chunk and let it be regenerated. Not sure how great that will feel with people flying around above you while you have stone tools, though.
My personal preference was to do the trim this time, and save the wipe for 1.18 with the new world generation, etc. (I did the poll because I didn't want to taint other people's preferences by stating my own lol) It seems like trim is the most popular option. I'm still waiting on a few plugins to get a couple more builds in (I think Dynmap is the most important one), then I'll let everyone know when I'm going to do the cutover.
Did some testing. Trim should work really well. - Aboveground and caves generate exactly the same in 1.16.5 and 1.17.1 given the same seed. - New ore, geodes, etc. just show up in newly generated chunks in 1.17.1; otherwise the cave layout is identical.
THE CONVERSION IS DONE - THE UNOFFICIAL FITH MINECRAFT SERVER IS NOW RUNNING 1.17.1 As discussed, the map has been trimmed - everyone's outline chunks have been saved (as well as a few others that weren't marked, but we happened to notice). Chunks can be restored if something was missed, but THIS WILL REQUIRE ANOTHER DOWNTIME if that becomes necessary. Let me know if you see anything missing and I'll take care of it. Also, let me know if you see weirdness from plugins, etc. - some of the plugins are still beta.