Here is the current and ever changing nominate list as of 1/18/18 pl_5curve pl_alpen_rc1 pl_auriferous_rc20 pl_badwater_pro_v9 pl_badwater_pro_v12 pl_barnblitz_pro7 pl_beerbowl_rc1 pl_borneo pl_boundary_final1 pl_boxcanyon_rc9 pl_buzznest_b3 pl_cashworks_final1 pl_clifftop_b3 pl_cornfarm_rc pl_cranetop_b8 pl_deadwood pl_eclipse_rc2 pl_enclosure_final pl_erosion_b1 pl_escarpment_rc1 pl_flowerlab_b5b pl_frontier_final pl_gloryhole_b1 pl_goldheist_canyon_final_v12 pl_goldrush pl_great_heights_b3 pl_halfacre pl_hatfactory55 pl_hoodoo_final pl_lionroar_rc1 pl_losthorizon_b8 pl_manngrove_rc5 pl_metropolis_b5 pl_millstone_b1 pl_mineshaft_final_rc9 pl_moonbase_rc1 pl_mountainside_rc2 pl_narrows_a130 pl_pharaoh_rc1 pl_pier_b20 pl_quagmire pl_rebirth_rc1 pl_rivercrossing_rc2a pl_rocketravine_b6 pl_rust pl_shoreleave_rc1 pl_snowycoast pl_swiftwater_final1 pl_toy_fort_3_blue pl_toy_fort_3_red pl_thundermountain pl_upward pl_vesper_b4 pl_vigil_rc1 pl_volcanic_a26 pl_warpath_b7 pl_waste_v2 pl_yamashiro_medieval_b3 plr_animus_a8 plr_bananabay plr_fishladder3 plr_frostfell_b2 plr_hierarch_rc2b plr_highwind_a5 plr_hightower plr_highertower plr_nightfall_final plr_panic_b2 plr_pipeline plr_solitude_b1 plr_valentine_b2 plr_yuno_b1 cp_abyss_b81 cp_alloy_rc3 cp_amaranth_rc1b cp_antiquity_rc1 cp_arena_trains_b2 cp_axle_rc1 cp_badlands_pro cp_burghausen_rc1 cp_croissant_final cp_degrootkeep cp_desperados_b2 cp_dustbowl_pro_v2 cp_egypt_final cp_ferrum_rc1 cp_follower cp_forest_shrine_a15 cp_foundry cp_freight_final1 cp_furnace_rc cp_glacier_rc6 cp_glassworks_rc6a cp_gorge cp_gothic cp_granary_pro_rc8 cp_gravelpit cp_gullywash_final1 cp_hadal_b13a cp_haddou cp_indulge cp_kakariko_a3 cp_konkreet_b4 cp_kuriast cp_labor cp_mainline_rc5 cp_metalworks cp_mercenarypark cp_miningco_b4_fix cp_manor cp_mossrock cp_mountainlab cp_obscure_remake_ugc_rc2 cp_orange_final cp_orangezone_45 cp_osiris_b6 cp_overgrown_rc5a cp_powerhouse cp_process_final cp_prolane_v4 cp_reckoner_rc3 cp_redfort_b3 cp_rumble_rc5 cp_sakura_hill_72c cp_science2 cp_shelter_rc2 cp_skull_island_b2 cp_snakewater cp_snowlodge_b5 cp_standin_final cp_steel cp_sulfur_rc1 cp_sunshine cp_toy_fort_alt2 cp_treehouse_b4 cp_vanguard cp_vigor_b2 cp_warmfront cp_warpath2_u4 cp_well cp_wetlands cp_whiterock_rc2 cp_yukon_final ctf_2bine_v1 ctf_2fort_egypt_litefin ctf_2fortified_v1 ctf_chaos ctf_convoy_storm_b1 ctf_doublecross ctf_eggwar_b2 ctf_haarp ctf_hotspring_b3a ctf_landfall ctf_mach4 ctf_powerhouse_night ctf_slate_b2 ctf_snowdrift_b4a ctf_turbine_pro_b1 ctf_urbanbrook_rc ctf_vitalism_b2 garbage_day koth_ahau_rc2 koth_arctic_b3 koth_blast_b3p koth_brazil koth_coalplant_b7 koth_coulee_b4_fix koth_chasm_b1 koth_cyberpunk_b2 koth_dewm_rc1 koth_dockyard koth_dropdeadfred_v3 koth_former_cornfield_b1 koth_harvest koth_highpass koth_kemptown_rc1 koth_king koth_lakeside koth_lazarus koth_lolcano_b3 koth_megaman6 koth_moonshine koth_nerve koth_nucleus koth_occult_rc6 koth_viaduct koth_sandvich_b1 koth_sawmill koth_skywalker1 koth_suijin koth_waste koth_wubwubwub_remix_vip mpl_losthorizon_b10 pd_elvvis2 pd_ritual_a7 pd_watergate rd_asteroid sd_doomsday
Thanks Merlin, I think this list is great. Does anyone think this might be worth while to post to the steam group so we have some wider discussion on this or should we just keep it to the people that care enough to visit the forms?
Is it possible to take wubwub off the nominate list but keep it on the server? It's really frustrating to have people constantly nominating and voting for it, yet every single god forsaken time the server dies off before the next map. Sorry if I sound like a dick but when you're trying to start the server and people nominate it every single fucking map vote with no intention of even playing it... just frustrating.
I'm no fan of wubwub. The novelty wore off a long time ago for me and now it's just obnoxious. And unlike other maps I don't care for, I can't even enjoy some conversation without obnoxious music getting in the way. So I would always leave. That being said, several people seem to (still) like it. I don't think taking a map off the nominate list would work very well. Playing it would require an admin to be around and override any nominations/votes at the time (ideally there would be a custom vote). People who don't like the map will be upset with the admin/server when it happens. People who like the map will be upset it can't be nominated and rarely gets played. It should either be on the nominate list or off the server. My 2¢, anyway.
I'm in the minority. I love wub. But it has its time and place. I think it's a fun map for ONE ROUND late at night on a Friday or Saturday. Midnight eastern standard time or later. One round only. Any other time is not fun (people waaaay too sober) and it kills the server. A little wub goes a very long way. I agree with Wolfman's logic about it needing to be on the list or off the server, but it seems we already have some maps that are admin-only (FITH boxing?). I'm also sensitive to Pach's plight of it killing the server. I'd be fine with wub moving to admin only, with the understanding that since it can't be voted on directly (although I suppose we could do a yes/no poll) admins can go there in a drunken stupor. And by admins, I mean me. For one round. Late night. Weekend only.
100% on the same boat with this: It's fun 1 round, can kill quickly the server and could be admin only. Long live wubwub with moderation.
Thank you again for your job M3R71|\| and a special thank for the idea to put payload maps in first; it makes sense with the server.
Thanks Merlin. Once I get the rest of the bugs worked out of my new build and figure out why I can't play any games, I'll have to get hammered and play into the wee hours again. Cliffnotes: My old computer BSODed to oblivion New rig won't play steam games Rocking a 9800GTX as my 1060gtx seems to be randomly shutting off after 5-10 minutes.
As I recall, wubwub was off the nominate list for some time. It is back on because some of us enjoy a round of it. If it displayed a BSOD, it should be writing a .dmp file. Those files can give you a clue to the source of the problem. Look up Windbg.exe and how to use it. How is it not playing steam games? Will the steam client start? Do games just hang or do they crash with an error? If it is acting funny after a period of time, it sounds like a heat or power issue. Download furmark and stress test it. If it is power, it will likely crash immediately; if it is heat, you should be able to see at what temp it is crashing. A consistent result would probably get you a warranty replacement if it is heat. A power problem would take more troubleshooting.
Got steam working late last night, had to uninstall steam, and reinstall everything. Got to the main page and played around a bit before shutting down and going to bed. Updated a shit load of other things, but didn't seem to have much effect until uninstall/reinstall When i put the 1060 in, i can barely do anything before the videocard shuts down. Then every time i try to reboot it shuts down faster and faster. The computer stays running. I also hooked up a 6 prong plug off another psu and bypassed the switch to see if it was a power related issue. Still ahut off. So unless there is a reason for too much power draw from the pcie slot, I'm going to go with heat issue and sent it in under RMA since i already have it filled out. Hope to catch up some later this week. Been behind the 8 ball from grinding out a solid axle swap in my truck and lifting the rear.
added pl_beerbowl_b5a pl_beerbowl_b6a pl_beerbowl_b6b pl_beerbowl_b7 pl_beerbowl_b7a pl_beerbowl_b7b pl_beerbowl_b7c should the b7's be removed, due to them being the same as the 'newest' versions? or fuck it?
No more pd_steamed_hams? Oh well. Thanks for humoring me and putting it on the server in the first place.