Hi, I wanted to make a suggestion of adding the old casual lines (that are currently broken / unused only in Casual Mode) to the FITH Pub server. These lines used to play in casual but the March 28, 2018 update broke them and now only battle cry lines play. If you have no idea what these lines are, basically they play whenever a round is starting, and when you lose or win a round. I'll show a video and give you some timestamps if you still are confused. The video is called "Team Fortress 2: Casual Matches 1" by veemonthedemonking (I can't post links.) 5:00: You can hear all of the classes bragging on how they won. 9:56: You can hear soldier say "I will not stand for losing!" 17:35: Round starts and you hear scout saying lets get a win, and soldier saying dibs on the medic. I'm pretty sure there's more but I don't want to have you watch all of it. I'm sure you get my idea now. And by the way all classes (Except for Medic and Pyro) has lines like these. And there are tons of them. So you won't be hearing the same one twice in a row. Why add these? They add charm to the mercenaries and show that they're aware that they won or lost a round. There's even lines for tieing a game that I didn't mention earlier. There's also no downside to adding these lines. Some of the lines, especially Soldier's, are also pretty funny. It also makes sense because we have an entire menu that has a Battle Cry option, so it's quite silly for Valve to have them playing at round start, when there are specific voicelines for First Round Start, Winning, Losing, or Tieing a round. You might also be wondering why I can't just add these to my own custom folder. I already tried that and it seems that the "talker" file (the file used to make these lines play) is server side only. Even on sv_pure 0 it still won't work. It only works on my own listen server or dedicated server. I have a file that I have edited to make them work again. Here is how it previously looked, and never changed. (This is from tf/scripts/talker inside tf2_misc_dir.vpk) Rule PlayerFirstRoundStartCompEngineer criteria ConceptPlayerRoundStartComp IsEngineer IsFirstRound IsNotComp6v6 40PercentChance Response PlayerFirstRoundStartCompEngineer All I did was remove "Comp" out of the response, criteria, and rule, and they worked again. I did this for all classes. If this idea gets accepted I can send the admins the file so they can add it to the server. It must be added to the server's custom folder to get them to work. I tested it with my own dedicated server (which was sv_pure 1, and the FITH server is on pure 1 also, so it'll work just fine.) and everything worked fine. I just hope this idea gets accepted. Haven't heard these lines in years and it'd be nice to hear them again.