If you have not picked it up yet you should. Worth it just for the single player campaign. https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/titanfall/titanfall-2/standard-edition If you at all enjoy run/jump/shoot focused multiplayer with the bonus of sometimes being a giant robot you should get this. It has a decently sized and active community and loadouts are fun to unlock and build. Having a cool robot friend single player story is pretty nifty too.
Is it worth $5 more to get the ultimate edition? https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/titanfall/titanfall-2/ultimate-edition
I wouldn't. I'd rather get another $5 game on sale. I don't remember the unlocks being very difficult or time consuming.
It's a good game but I still don't understand how they made playing as a giant robot less fun than not playing as a giant robot. That might just be a me thing though.
It is the movement! Wall-jump, hook-shot, double jump.... shit is insane!, love this shit... if I could fine a way to do as much damage outside the titan as inside I would never jump in one.
There is a pilot vs pilot mode but I couldn't get queued into it when I tried a couple months ago. I don't think there's a viable way to do the hoard mode as pilot only either. The titan runs around on it's own but it tends to be useless.